Certain argument s shouldn't cause the Apollo Client cache to. This. Apollo’s useQuery hook returns a result object, including data, the loading state, and the fetchMore function. The easiest workaround would be to manage the data and loading state yourself and utilize client. I want to iterate over all the fields in the returned data to potentially sanitize its content (it contains raw HTML). At the same time your component is subscribed to the query and will get the new result. @apollo/client: ^3. To customize cache behavior, you provide a configuration object to the InMemoryCache constructor. my incoming parameter always updates with a new list each time I call fetchMore but the existing parameter always is empty That's why I can't merge the new. . The reason this happens is because the items in your array get "normalized" to the same values in the Apollo cache. Viewed 14 times 0 I had a working component with infinite scroll I have none added any extra packages, and the extra data is being received from the API but for show reason the components has. My react app has many pages that require fetching paginated lists of things and so I relied on the (now marked deprecated) updateQuery function inside the fetchMore api to handle the pagination. Improve this answer. 0. First one "loading" is from apollo and it is false when I try to use fetchMore. Learn more about Teams9. 2) const [ getOSO, { loading: loadingOSO, fetchMore: fetchMoreOSO, networkStatus: networkStatusOSO, called: calledOSO } ] = useLazyQuery(In @apollo/[email protected] (thanks to Solve issue #7491 by supporting watchQueryOptions. new InMemoryCache({ typePolicies: { Query: { fields: { projects. This plugin generates helpers for improving the integration of TypeScript and Apollo-Client, based on your schema. in apollo client pagination configuration with "merge" function, existing cached data always is empty even after. How to reproduce the issue: i can not reproduce constantly, sometimes works ok, sometimes does not, i tried many things from using the old HOCs. const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( GET_ALL_TODOS, { fetchPolicy: "cache-and-network", nextFetchPolicy: "cache-first", variables: { _size: 10 } }); Setting the nextFetchPolicy to cache-first prevents the. Apollo Client supports multiple strategies for interacting with cached data: Strategy. The loading status change from false to true in the first call, but after that doing refech is always. While Next. e. 0 (or at least i had at the time) is that I had difficult time to distinguish among fetchMore, refetch, and initial fetch. cache file (use that cache for ApolloClient): export const cache: InMemoryCache = new InMemoryCache({ typePolicies: { Query: { fields: { getColor() return colorVar. The. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. When we call QueryRef. it just send only returned 7 status code. . Thanks!. Because Apollo makes the result data immutable, I'm not able to do this:I am try to use @apollo/client in my nextjs application (only frontend). @JunmingWang the args are your query variables. fetchMore really a solution for cursor-based pagination rather than offset-based. This plugin generates fully-typed keyFields and Type-Policies for Apollo-Client. Within the node is our book data that displays the title, subtitle, book image, book price and url in our list. Apollo's "loading" is always false when I use fetchMore. The fetchMore function just like the name implies is used to fetch more data. read examples in pagination docs might be confusing for newcomers who follow the given examples. tsx const {data, loading, error, fetchMore} =. js schema. page=2, page=3, etc. Here the call to it: const [getMyData, { loading, data, fetchMore }] = useLazyQuery ( myQuery, { notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true, fetchPolicy: 'network-only', variables: {} }) Even if I. To implement near real-time syncs, you're typically going to use polling, which will. fetchMore({variables: { date: matches[matches. In Apollo Client, the recommended way to send these followup queries is with the fetchMore. Hi, One of the useLazyQuery optional return fields is fetchMore, For example: const [loadStudents, { called, loading, data, fetchMore }] = useLazyQuery ( GET_STUDENTS, { variables: { limits: {limit: 10, offset: currentOffset} } } ); My question is why and when I should use the fetchMore instead of the loadStudents function ()Howard 의 제안에 따라 apollo client fetchmore 로 검색해보니 공식 문서와 예제 사이트가 나왔습니다. Actual outcome: The previousResult is undefined How to reproduce the issue: I followed the tutorial on this page using the Relay-style cursor pagination. 6" Did you use notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true ? Thank you for reply, I set the option notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true in useQuery and it seems networkStatus != NetworkStatus. That's by design. Please convert updateQuery functions to field policies with appropriate read and merge functions, or use/adapt a helper function (such as concatPagination, offsetLimitPagination, or relayStylePagination) from @apollo/client. Hot Network Questions What is the time difference between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom?Note: I am using react-apollo-hooks, which i know isn't production ready or even provided by apollo-client right now, but from what i've seen it looks like its something to do with the fetchMore API Note: @FunkSoulNinja solution works for me, however would be nice to be able to use the provided API for this kind of featureWhen we call fetchMore, Apollo Client will fire the fetchMore query and use the logic in the updateQuery option to incorporate that into the original result. Below I will show you my code:To learn more about pagination with data. Before making queries, we need to set up our Apollo Client instance. Notice, this uri is “apollo server uri” which we created Apollo server in. Here is the code:2. One of the answers mentions a partial solution "checking the route before executing fetchMore" but I don't know what means. 1. This is done in the InMemoryCache function. 53 but it looks like it has another issue. 1. I’m using the fetchMore() function against a button click to show the updated data but the data is not being updated nor the component rerenders. Within my client creation, I have added a reference to offsetLimitPagination(): allComments: offsetLimitPagination(), Then, I create my query. Importing the polyfill solved. In Apollo, the easiest way to do pagination is with a function called fetchMore, which is included in the result object returned by the useQuery Hook. 0 Graphql query executed only after refresh. Apollo client in new version has a problem Apollo client 3 does not send initial networkStatus code. Apollo Client fetchMore get previous page for cursor based pagination. Hey there. Learn more in our pagination tutorial. That's by design. I'm trying to build a simple React component using apollo-client and TypeScript. Using pagination with fetchMore and fetchPolicy involving network together causes bug where next page data is cleared #6327. If I'm using one of cache-and-network or network-only fetch policies, one of the queries is called twice. Things I have done so far by following the official documentation of Apollo GraphQL: Added the field policy to the. To implement pagination with Apollo, you're typically going to use the fetchMore function, given to you when you send a query, in combination with updateQuery to tell Apollo how to update its cache with the result (appending it onto what you already have). fetchMore() it sometimes causes a refetch of some "cache-and-network" query on the page. ts, line 588) Update the variables of this observable query, and fetch the new results if they've changed. state. . Since fetchMore works by updating the cache, if you want to render those updates without making an additional network request, you need a fetchPolicy that’s allowed to read from the cache, rather than (just) network-only. This means that a new result which should be first will not be shown. readQuery returning null when data is in the cache 0 ApolloClient V3 with React: Caching and re-using result of fetchMore queryI am using Apollo client fetchMore function to be able to fetch more items. Actual outcome: When I call query. 0When we call fetchMore, Apollo Client will fire the fetchMore query and use the logic in the updateQuery option to incorporate that into the original result. fetchMoreはuseQueryフックに含まれる関数で、useQueryのクエリを引数だけ変えて実行したい時に使う。 スクロールで次のコンテンツをロードする度にfetchMoreを実行する感じ。 1-5. You signed in with another tab or window. js file. This doesn't happen when I use no-cache. When our page change whether is the main field or the nested one, we will use the fetchMore function to bring more results. The GraphQL community is buzzing with discussions on its benefits over traditional REST APIs, such as eliminating over-fetching and under-fetching issues. Current BehaviorThe hook’s loadMore callback will use Apollo to fetch data from our GraphQL endpoint. I'm still in the middle of development so I haven't had a chance to clean this component up yet, but here it is: import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client'; import. 0 useQuery not returning up to date data. 4. 6. However when I do fetchMore, here is what happens: I do fetch more, new data comes as incoming, however my existing data is undefined which is I think odd because I already have the data and showing in the UI. date }, updateQuery: (previousResult. For other's that are new to Apollo like me and have this question, I figured out that fetchMore function always force network request no matter what. In addition to connection. Using fetchPolicy='cache-and-network' in useQuery in apollo-client not updating cache on fetchMore. for some reason, when fetchMore occurs with filter specified, the new data doesn't cause a re-render in the component. ts //Initializeinvariant. exports = { webpack: (config, options) => { config. After switching everything to the latest stable apollo version the previousResult variable contains the data. in apollo client pagination configuration with "merge" function, existing cached data always is empty even after calling fetchMore 1 React js search doesn’t work on graphql [email protected] The client is doing exactly what you’ve asked it to do here!. The callback options object param consists of the current Apollo Client instance in client, and the received subscription data in. This causes useQuery to rerender with the expanded list of data. Hot Network Questions What is the correct glyph origin of 失? Is there an identity between the commutative identity and the constant identity? Can something be logically necessary now but not in the future?. After "debugging" my code for the last 2 hours, and read the very well written docs this way, installed the apollo-client. Hi all, I am using fetchMore from the useQuery() hook to achieve some click to load more functionality. In Apollo, the easiest way to do pagination is with a function called fetchMore, which is included in the result object returned by the useQuery Hook. Pagination: Building lists has never been easier thanks to Apollo Client's fetchMore function. Graphql API pagination issue. Apollo Query Component Pagination Integration With Repos Component. Today we’re thrilled to announce the official release of Apollo Client 3. I've already debugged server responses, everything has an ID, no errors are popping anywhere, the last thing missing is. fetchMore() I expect this to never affect other queries or cause the other queries to be refetched. Phew!Both are passed as props in the component and this component is rendered twice in the same view, with a different type prop. A custom version that identifies the current version of this particular client (e. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Modified 9 months ago. For "cache-and-network", when fetchMore is called, it will make two different queries to the backend. . Apollo lets you do pagination with a method called fetchMore. As I explained above, initial fetch does not have after, but fetch more or any subsequent fetches must have after. However, when I try to use it the fetchMore function is undefined. There's an issue with the data reconciliation in apollo because by using the following refetch query, the data object from the parent component (the one that has the entire Project query, GET_PROJECT) gets empty. I would like to remove the updateQuery as it is being deprecated. export interface ChildComponentProps<TData = YourGetQuery, TVariables = YourGetQueryVariables>{ fetchMore<TFetchData = TData, TFetchVars = TVariables>( fetchMoreOptions: FetchMoreQueryOptions<TFetchVars,. First, install the @apollo/client and graphql packages. Open 17. Is there any other way that I can call the useQuery in async manner or in any background task?. I'm new to Apollo Client and I'm trying to implement pagination for my product list. /schemas/queries"; import { Article, ArticlesFeedResponse }. tsx. ssrMode. writeQuery and/or cache. I try to implement infinite scroll (fetch more items) with Apollo Client fetchMore function. The Simplest Way to Cache Data with Apollo Client in Next. 1. fetchMore () can be used for pagination with Apollo Client. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Since fetchMore works by updating the cache, if you want to render those updates without making an additional network request, you need a fetchPolicy that's allowed to read from the cache, rather than (just) network-only. According to the apollo-client docs, ApolloClient. A console. Add fetchMore to the list of objects we destructure from the useQuery result object, and also define an isLoadingMore state variable :fetchMore does seem to be working again in version @apollo/[email protected]. 1. My goal to use it in fetch more button click. In order to make polling and fetchMore work together, we'd need to add some logic that updates the variables of the base query so that when the polling happens, the. Apollo Client allows you to make local modifications to your GraphQL data by updating the cache, but sometimes it's more straightforward to update your client-side GraphQL data by refetching queries from the server. This object supports the following fields: Name /. This is the default fetch policy. A field policy can include: A read function that specifies what happens when the field's cached value is read. new props should be passed in by the graphql higher order component triggering a re-rende. Apollo client v3 not caching query results with useQuery. 1,766 1 1. Otherwise, Apollo Client executes the query against your GraphQL server and returns that data after caching it. Apollo Server and Apollo Studio use this property as part of the client awareness feature. Please confirm that fetchMore still sends a separate request that always has a fetch policy of no-cache to date. I made a helper function where you pass in the useQuery hook. fetchMore({. しかし、この実装には1つ問題点があります。それは、ボタンをクリックするとキャッシュの有無に関わらず毎回fetchMore関数が実行されてしまうという点です。デベロッパーツールのネットワークタブを見てみるとわかりますが、fetchMore関数はキャッシュがあってもなくても毎回サーバーに. Intended outcome: For a Query with fetchPolicy: no-cache When I call fetchMore And I provide an updateQuery function to merge in new results I expect the Query to re-render With the new results available in data Actual outcome: However t. export const useCharacters = (page: number = 1, name: string = '') => { const { data, loading, error, fetchMore } = useQuery (GET_ALL_CHARACTERS. By default, fetchMore uses the original query and variables, so we only need to pass the variable that's changing: offset. ) -- the actual pagination is working in the sense that when I use fetchMore and pass in the next page number, it is retrieving and returning the next page of items (the incoming array contains the next page of items). Any help would be appreciated. I've already debugged server responses, everything has an ID, no errors are popping anywhere, the last thing missing is. 実際に手元で動かせるコードを使って、ステップ・バイ・ステップで説明します. I am using two "loading" states as you can see in the example. Im using Apollo 3. 2 Using fetchMore to fetch ALL data on component mount. I’ve set the necessary merge and read functions in the query’s type policy. I am try to use @apollo/client in my nextjs application (only frontend). I use an Apollo Client on the backend for service-to-service, so for me it was the issue that my Pod on Kubernetes cluster was using a Docker environment with a Node 8 it was fixed after I updated it to 12. 1. data. Description. Please convert updateQuery functions to field policies with appropriate read and merge functions, or use/adapt a helper function (such as concatPagination, offsetLimitPagination, or relayStylePagination) from @apollo/client. The problem I have with apollo client is when I useQuery and fetchMore or refetch it retains the first variable from that query. In my Screen there are three tabs and individual tabs is calling its own data. Lets start by defining the main pagination policy.